Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Drawing in medical school

Medical school makes you quickly figure out the best way to learn. One thing that I miss about being a PhD student is having the time to read and truly absorb & become one with the information. Sadly, medical school doesn’t leave that sort of time. I’m learning to skim, read short descriptions of basic sciences facts, and most importantly, I draw ✍🏾 & label anything that I can. I’ve found that drawing really helps with my memory retention (though I wonder how much of this will actuslly be useful in clinical practice…) The sad thing is that when I was a PhD student, I read for pleasure and the love of learning. Now I read for the sake of cramming what I can into my head. Reading doesn’t feel the same to me and the last time I tried to sit to read for enjoyment, I found that I didn’t like it. I hope that my love of reading isn’t permanent… #learning #medical #phd

"Unmasking Structural Racism in U.S." by Daryl O. Traylor et al.

"Unmasking Structural Racism in U.S." by Daryl O. Traylor, Eboni E. Anderson et al. : The COVID pandemic cast a harsh light on the...