Saturday, December 19, 2020

What my Ross University School of Medicine interview was like

My Ross University interview was conducted by Zoom and was probably the most traditional of the three interviews that I have had. I met with Mr. Tom Hueller, via Zoom, for about 40-45 minutes and he asked the standard medical school interview questions:

  • Why do you want to be a physician?
  • What would your family say about you studying in Barbados?
  • Can you tell me about a time when you failed and what you learned from it?
  • What would you do if you had a young, 15-year-old patient who wanted an abortion and did not want her parents to know?
  • This isn’t an all-inclusive list but give you a sense of what you should be prepared for should you interview at Ross. After the interview, I had the chance to ask three or four questions:

  • What does Ross’ timeline look like for a return to Barbados given the COVID crisis?
  • How do you think that the Step 1 exam going pass/fail is going to impact match opportunities for Ross graduates?
  • What curricular changes are expected now that the Step is pass/fail?
  • We ended up getting into a conversation about COVID and the COVID vaccine; this took another 20 minutes so altogether, I interviewed with Mr. Hueller for about an hour. It was very conversational.

    At the end of the interview, he told me that I would hear from the admissions committee within a couple of weeks and I thanked him for his time. To prepare for the interview, I reviewed interview feedback on Student Doctor Network, reviewed a Princeton Review site that had a list of 50 commonly asked medical school interview questions, and I reviewed the Ross University School of Medicine website. Easy peazy. Next up, I’ll describe my interview at RVUCOM.

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